On Monday, the authority applied for an extension of the prohibition on stay at the wind farm. The prohibition means that further construction is forbidden, but the developer is allowed to carry out the essential activities to ensure safety. Today, the developer has been clearly told that they must ensure safety on the territory but they are not allowed to assemble the blades of the turbines.
According to the on-site inspection carried out by the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority and the information submitted by the developer, the turbines exceed the allowed height limit. As a result of this, a so-called shadow area may develop behind the wind farm and the wind farm may cause disturbances in the work of radars by generating false targets.
The Aidu wind farm is planned to be located near Estonia’s eastern border, and the authority said that this is why it is extremely important that the air surveillance radars and radio systems work without failure. „In a situation where early warning systems cannot work as required because the turbines have been built taller than allowed, the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority has not other option than to stop the construction activity with the help of the police,“ Helemäe said.
The Sõnajalg brothers have planned to erect altogether 30 three-megawatt turbines at Aidu. Andres Sõnajalg said that the plan is to erect two turbines so that Eleon could continue the certification of the new turbines. The brothers have promised a revolution in the current turbine production with the Eleon type turbines and also start conquering foreign markets. They have promised to establish turbine production in East-Viru County.