The judge pointed out that the company has registered as expenses purchases that had nothing to do with business activity, including small purchases that point to an individual’s expenses (goulash, blouses, phone etc.).
Helme explained that he bought necessary food products for the company from the grocery store from time to time. He agreed to return the sums for a total of 1,892 kroons, plus the Nokia cell phone.
More important than dubious expenses was deemed the fact Pärlselja Meelelahutus did not hand over to the trustee documents pertaining to the cash register – cash book, orders, till rolls – that made it impossible to get an overview of cash revenue and relevant expenses. The court also did not believe the role of cash in the business was modest.
“Because cash is commonplace in the catering business, it is likely cash was used also at OÜ Pärlselja Meelelahutus,” the court found and added that this is what makes the missing cash register documentation an important omission.
Annual report not filed
The prosecution launched criminal proceedings based on non-performance of accounting obligation. Proceedings against Martin Helme were terminated in 2012 without charges – the limitation period had come and gone after five years.
Martin’s wife Eeva Helme, who was also a member of the board of Pärlselja Meelelahutus, had made a deal with the prosecution beforehand that culminated in 100 hours of community service. Agreement procedure equals a conviction: to make a deal, the accused must agree to the content and criminal qualification of charges.