Other rumors suggested Isamaa will be taking the foreign ministry, while EKRE seems to be undecided in terms of who should run its ministries. It is possible EKRE Riigikogu group chairman Martin Helme will become minister, forcing EKRE to choose a new faction chair.
Who will get a keycard to Berlaymont?
Questions have also been raised concerning leading centrist Kadri Simson not going to the government. While her reasons are claimed to be personal, it has done nothing to quell speculation that Simson might be aiming for the European Commission instead.
Recent information suggests the sides have decided Center will get the position, with Simson and Mailis Reps seen as the likeliest candidates. Center taking the commission post would also explain Isamaa getting the Riigikogu vice chairmanship. The Center Party maintains that who it will send to the Berlaymont building has not been decided yet.
EKRE members too EKRE-like
EKRE MP Ruuben Kaalep proved a headache for the party’s leaders before and during the inaugural sitting. The party that has vowed to alter its rhetoric in the government will have a hard time delivering on that promise in a situation where Kaalep produced a hand sign that could be interpreted as racist in connection with his past actions at the Riigikogu sitting. Chairman Mart Helme literally pushed Kaalep away from cameras when the MP was trying to explain his gesture to the press.
EKRE faction chair Martin Helme also seemed ill at ease. It remains unclear what – if anything – the board of the national conservative party plans to do about information published by weekly Eesti Ekspress on Wednesday that describes Kaalep’s connections with radical organizations abroad.