Additional questions by Postimees – why the patient was not quarantined, why was he not prescribed drugs in time and why didn’t the hospital apologize to the family – were not answered. “What more do you need? We simply do not want to comment on that,” said the hospital’s spokesperson Ave Abel.
Thorny path
The health board ordered the hospital to produce all documentation. The committee, after taking a year to deliberate the case, writes in its decision that while it is possible to use their assessment in court, persons who are not satisfied with results can always turn to other experts.
Kristi is vexed by inactivity of agencies. “No one is supervising or taking responsibility for what is happening between hospital walls. That control action or report helps no one,” she said.
People in her situation basically have two options: to go to court or ask the hospital to pay for damages directly. A lawyer is necessary for both.
“I don’t want money. It is about how harebrained the system is and simply wanting things not to be forgotten when I have to go to the hospital. Or even if they are, for something to be done so it would not happen again. No one cares today. And if a mistake is made, for there to be the courage to admit it and apologize,” Kristi said.