"No one from Estonia will go to Marrakesh. The migration framework is not an agreement in the sense of international law and will therefore not be signed. So, no signing of the migration framework will take place in Marrakesh, but an expression of political support will," spokesperson for the Estonian Foreign Ministry Sandra Kamilova told BNS.
"The fact that no one from Estonia will be partaking in Marrakesh will not change Estonia's desire and possibility for supporting its decision regarding the framework at the UN General Assembly vote," Kamilova said.
She said that the UN General Assembly, in the framework of which the global migration framework will be put up for approval, will convene on December 19 and Estonia will be represented there by ambassador to the UN Sven Jürgenson.
"The migration framework will not be signed at the UN General Assembly either as it is not an agreement. The Estonian representative will be able to support the framework at the General Assembly vote," the ministry spokesperson said.
President Kersti Kaljulaid said on Tuesday, after the parliament on Monday expressed support for joining the UN migration pact, that she will not fly to the UN conference in Marrakesh.
"With the prime minister, we arrived at the understanding that representing Estonia at the Marrakesh conference will be organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," the president announced after a meeting with Prime Minister Jüri Ratas Tuesday morning.