The opposition has tasted blood and will throw everything it can at the government. Indecisiveness, inability to compromise, damage done to Estonia’s reputation, putting Estonia alongside Hungary and Poland, caving to pressure from the opposition – everything goes.
It is also worth recalling that the state budget, the government’s single most important law, is still in the Riigikogu. Perhaps Center’s partners will suddenly discover in it something that rubs them the wrong way? Arguments over the government’s regional investments (read: protection money) will surely begin anew as the Social Democrats are not likely to let Pro Patria get away with funding its foundations.
Further decay in the government cannot be ruled out either. Why would SDE, especially Foreign Minister Sven Mikser, continue in the government? Ratas accepted his candidacy so he would take care of things on the foreign front. The UN compact was in his administrative area.
Yesterday’s decision shows that Mikser does not have the prime minister’s support as the government’s search for consensus ended in a victory for Pro Patria. Why should Mikser trust Ratas again?
Governments do not usually go down in major scandals; minor injuries tend to prove fatal instead. Work to tear down the previous government started with recalling politicians from the supervisory boards of state companies.