Social Democrats will not compromise core values
Chairman of the Social Democrat Party (SDE) Jevgeni Ossinovski said on Saturday that Estonia has a choice between continuing as a free democracy or breaking down. He said that no other party is as devoted to protecting Estonia’s freedom and democracy.
“Our policy can be summed up in two words – freedoms and opportunities. Those two words are at the heart of the social democratic ideology and form the foundation of Estonian society,” Ossinovski said. “Parties will reach an agreement regarding socioeconomic matters after the elections. There can be no compromise in terms of core values, however.”
Rector of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences Katri Raik joined SDE and will run for parliament. Raik, who has managed the University of Tartu Narva College for 15 years and used to be a member of the IRL/Pro Patria, will run in East Viru County.
Free Party replaces Herkel
The Free Party elected Kaul Nurm as its new chairman in Rapla on Sunday. The recent deputy chairman took the position from Andres Herkel with 125 votes against 91. Third candidate Tarmo Kask had to settle for seven votes.
The party’s board is now made up of Elo Lutsepp, Andres Herkel, Vahur Kollom, Märt Läänemets, Jüri Adams, Ain Ostra, Enn Meri, Ants Erm, Neeme Kuningas and Raivo Kokser. Honorary court members are Epp Alatalu, Lembit Tuur, Eino Muruste and Jako Kull. Anne Hansberg, Peeter Liinsoo and Reelika Joakit make up the party’s revision committee.