Dr. Kostakis will use the €1.1 million ERC Starting Grant for a four-year research project titled “Cosmolocalism” that will advance understanding of the future of work in the age of automation and beyond.
“We will create an interdisciplinary team consisted of three postdoctoral researchers and at least four PhD students. We will utilize our networks with global changemakers, from governments and top-universities such as Harvard, MIT, and ETH Zurich to prominent NGOs such as the Greenpeace or the P2P Foundation, to create awareness of new forms of production that may be more free, fair, and sustainable,” says Kostakis.
“Similarly how a free and open encyclopedia Wikipedia has displaced the Encyclopedia Britannica, the emergence of networked micro-factories are giving rise to new open-source forms of production in the realm of design and manufacturing,” he says, adding that such spaces can either be makerspaces or other co-working spaces, equipped with local manufacturing technologies, such as 3D printing and CNC machines or traditional low-tech tools and crafts.
What are the sustainability, democratization, and innovation potentialities of these emerging forms of production, is the question Kostakis and his team are looking to answer in the coming years.
“This ERC grant is in symbiosis with university's TalTechDigital initiative, aimed at developing and deploying digital technologies in teaching and research, but also examining the impact of technology in the broader industrial, economic and social processes. ERC Starting Grant received by Vasilis Kostakis is a significant recognition for TTÜ, and marks a milestone for the 100th anniversary of the university,” says Renno Veinthal, Vice-Rector for Research at Tallinn University of Technology.