This impact will continue anyway since the protestors of the human chain also want to live comfortably and will consume ever more.
The reasons for the fragile state of the Emajõgi should therefore be sought within oneself. Some have simple solutions; others will require the discussion of the whole society.
The question is, will the people want to hold that discussion without emotions or will they prefer to fight passionately over myths.
The pulp mill debate included some of the myths.
Scientists wanted to study
Kristjan Zobel, an ecologist, wrote in April that the Lake Võrtsjärv-Rover Emajõgi-Lake Peipus basin is one of the best-studied fresh-water ecosystems in the world.
“A large and world-class team of scientists, mainly of the Estonian University of Life Sciences center of limnology located at the edge of this ecosystem, and the University of Tartu Estonian Marine Institute, is even today researching and monitoring the state of this basin,” Zobel remarked. As an ecologist, he claimed to be incapable to guess “which important aspect about this basin ecosystem we still do not know”.
“What to study? There is no point in studying social and economic impact if in the ecological sense building the factory without totally ruining Lake Peipus and the Emajõgi is as impossible as building a perpetuum mobile,” wrote a professor of evolutionary ecology at the University of Tartu.