Boycott by Tartu students
On day four of the summer school, EBS Professor Mari Kooskora finished her presentation with an assignment where she asked participants to critically analyze what they had heard during the summer school. Kooskora’s choice of topic was conscious as a lot of tension was left hanging in the air after the previous day’s presentation where no discussion was made possible.
Most groups analyzed Beeley’s lecture. The blogger was present for the discussion. As she set about justifying herself, debates quickly became heated. A few of the students went for their voice recorders to have proof of the conversation.
“I’m eagerly awaiting to hear of her references. If she [Beeley] thinks she can present information without references…” Kadri Org from the University of Tartu managed to say. “Can I interrupt you there,” Beeley continued, “I did not invent these things. You will have your references.”
“This is a summer school, an academic environment, you cannot have a presentation with no references here,” Kadri continued. “She pointed to a Supreme Soviet proposal, this is not acceptable!” Kristel, another student from the university, said.
“Yes, not all sources were academic, but some were,” organizer Simons said. “Some are not enough,” said University of Tartu Professor Brit Laak. “Couldn’t you [UT students] put a filter on yourselves? You’re just students,” a Latvian student came to Beeley’s defense.