Our role in the global economy is shrinking as we are stagnant, but the world keeps growing. (Looking at real GDP, Russia’s made up 3 percent of the global economy in 2013 and only 1.8 percent last year – J. P.).
We have far more public servants per capita than we did in Soviet times, despite computerization.
I specifically looked into it recently: 28 percent of the working-age population gets their income from the state budget, another 10 percent get it from state corporations and companies, and another 15 percent are subcontractors of those corporations and firms and oil companies.
That is to say 53 percent of the workforce gets their income from the state and from oil and gas. Taxes come from 65 percent of the working-age population, meaning that taxpayers not connected to the state or the oil and gas industry only contribute 12 percent of all taxes!
That’s nothing. That is the state Putin has built. We had nothing of the sort when he first came to power. We lived more modestly, but things were healthier in terms of the economy. It is impossible to create a normal economy based on the structure we have today.
Putin has promised economic growth that is faster than the global average, 120 million square meters of new apartment space, a global logistics center, world-class research and educational centers to which young people will flock from all over the world – things no one believes. And yet he keeps making promises, and everyone who is anyone keep nodding their heads. What’s the trick?