“We are dumbfounded. We lack the right words. Estonian people overwhelmed the foundation with their kindness” said director of the “Kingitud Elu” foundation Toivo Tänavsuu.
The foundation urged people to support seven-year-old Annabel’s neuroblastoma treatment on Wednesday, and the little girl’s story was covered by investigative journalism program “Pealtnägija”. The call to support Annabel’s struggle was shared more than 3,600 times on Facebook and reached a quarter of a million people. Thousands of people and companies donated, and the foundation could close its active campaign that was a resounding success yesterday.
Annabel’s soon-to-begin treatment currently costs €172,000, and it was the foundation’s original goal to raise half of it. The Association of Parents of Children with Cancer that organizes the popular Duck Rally event planned to come up with the remaining €86,000.
The foundation now has enough money for treating Annabel and for the next little patient to require this treatment. “The foundation received nearly €200,000 in a single day!” the NGO wrote in social media. “Thank you probably sounds hollow in this context. However, we truly are speechless. The foundation has experienced nothing of the sort before.”
Annabel’s parents, who were worried whether the money could be raised, also expressed their deepest gratitude. “The feeling inside us is indescribable. What have you done!? How did it happen? We have been contacted by so many people from near and far. Offers for various events to sponsor Annabel poured in; people are offering all manner of help and support,” the foundation quoted the parents as having said.