That is the core of the distinction. Mõis said that one group of voters blindly follows their supreme leader’s words and wants more benefits. “Someone to give them money, free city buses, and pension supplements. These voters take no interest whatsoever in the general development of society,” Mõis explained and added that voters belonging to that group vote for leaders like Savisaar.
That is why the election coalition should cooperate with Savisaar if possible. Mõis did not say what that cooperation would entail. “He has a lot of followers, and I said it is possible he will provide recommendations of who they should vote for,” Mõis said. He added that it could be Urmas Sõõrumaa.
The businessman went on to say that the other group of voters are people who want to see society move forward. “They realize that free buses aren’t really free. However, the former group, people who want to be paid benefits or given potatoes, has tended to outnumber the latter in the past 15 years,” he said.
In a situation where Active Tallinn wants the votes of so-called red voters, would it cater to the wishes of blue voters once in power? Mõis said it wouldn’t strictly be so. “There are shades of grey. We would try to convince the red shades to come over to the blue side,” he explained.
The Free Tallinn Citizen finds this approach unacceptable. “We are not looking for foolish votes to con a mandate out of them so we could pursue our own agenda,” Aasmäe said. She said that it became clear the day before yesterday AC’s goal is either to reduce corruption or gain ways of participating in it. She ruled out further cooperation with such an election coalition. Active Tallinn has not ruled out cooperation with anyone, including the Free Tallinn Citizen.