According to the UNO, 83,650 people have immigrated to Italy from Libya this year, one fifth more than last year. What causes problems is that few real refugees cross the Mediterranean, most of the travelers are economic migrants from Africa who have no hope to qualify for asylum in Europe.
Yet the human rights organization Amnesty International has accused the European Union of callous attitude towards the migrants. According to the organization, the maritime operation Sophie has destroyed so many refugee boats that the smugglers are now mainly using rubber dinghies which almost certainly cannot reach Italy and Amnesty claims that 2,030 people have drowned this year.
The European Union ministers of the interior, chaired by Andres Anvelt, discussed in Kultuurikatel the situation in the Mediterranean and sought for opportunities for smoother cooperation.
According to the ministers, the EU member countries are concerned with the great pressure on Italy. The ministers agreed that attention should be paid to balance between solidarity and responsibility in offering support to member countries under pressure.
The ministers agreed on various measures for reducing the migration pressure and supporting Italy. They decided that it is necessary to improve cooperation with Libya and other countries from which the migrants are coming.