“This is the most worrying aspect, since we essentially do not know, who work in our country”, the official added.
There is an especially remarkable case, when one person brought more than 260 aliens to Estonia through Poland. This amounts to one fifth of the immigration quota. “I dare say that there may be some thousand individuals, who have been brought here that way, but making such estimates is a thankless job. We have identified some 400 aliens, who have entered using that scheme”, Aru said.
The firms are caught generally during raids of the Police and Border Guard Board, Tax and Customs Board and the Labor Inspectorate.
The number of violations involving foreign labor is generally on the rise. While the Police and Border Guard Board had some 40 cases concerning the violation of working conditions in five months of last year, this year's number has reached 140 during the same time. “We do not yet know what this year will bring”, Aru admitted.
Valk added that many people have probably noticed foreign workers at construction sites, but not all these people are in Estonia illegally. “The registration of short-term labor has steeply increased as well”, she said.
The quota regulates business and labor migration from the third countries. Investors, start-up entrepreneurs and other staff of the information and communication technology sphere were recently exempted from the quota. The quota does not concern US and Japanese citizens or aliens entering to live with a spouse or a close relative, who enter Estonia to study or engage in scientific research. The quota does not concern refugees either.