„Today we all learned of a shocking and unpleasant announcement concerning one of our teachers. Jaanus Konsa maintains the charges are false, and that he will appeal the ruling seeking acquittal. We have suspended his contract until such time as the final ruling has been delivered,“ the school's communications specialist told students.
Jaanus Konsa's name was removed from contacts on the school's website. Students said that the website no longer displayed promotional videos in which Konsa appeared. The school seemingly reacted entirely properly: Konsa was removed from running the school pending a final decision in his case.
However, students were surprised to spot Konsa's fancy Lexus parked in front of the main entrance, at times a little further away, or even behind the building thereafter. Konsa attended meetings and was seen carrying things into the building.
The public procurements register also reveals a catering procurement from a month after Konsa's contract was suspended on May 8 bearing the man's signature. „Despite a promise to suspend Konsa's contract, the working relationship between the Tallinn School of Economics and Jaanus Konsa is secretly continuing,“ a group of concerned students wrote Postimees.
We asked the school whether Konsa's contract was still suspended the week before last, about a month and a half after the initial suspension. The school's communications specialist Riinu Raasuke told us it was. Asked whether this means Konsa has no more business in the school, the school's representative said once again that Konsa's contract remains suspended.