Aas: Free public transport must be retained, and the city's transport provider must not be privatized.
7. Does Tallinn need municipal housing?
Helme: No, it does not. The city should be able to offer people temporary lodging. That does not require it to construct buildings.
Michal: Only for those who really need help – orphans and victims of fires.
Aas: Municipal housing is needed and construction must continue as we support European values.
8. How to boost independence of districts?
Helme: Independence of districts can first and foremost grow through greater powers for administrative councils. However, I'm not sure whether it would be expedient to give districts more freedom. Rather we should ask whether some districts should be separate districts at all.
Michal: Through greater powers for district administrative councils, as well as through involvement of civil society organizations and borough societies. Also more freedom in drawing up budgets.
Aas: Tallinn forms a whole. Districts should primarily concentrate on organizing social affairs and ensuring maintenance and recreational opportunities. District administrative councils could have a greater say in terms of plans, I believe. However, the latter is unfortunately more a question of their own activity.