What will happen tomorrow? What does the outgoing leader perceive?
The party will definitely elect a new chairman and management organs.
What does your gut tell you, will it be Kaia Iva or Helir-Valdor Seeder?
Where did you go wrong that cost you the chairmanship?
Went wrong? Looking at the events of the past two years, what IRL has achieved in Estonian politics – we have made happen everything we promised.
Let us take the single parents' alimony relief fund – especially in light of looming Mother's Day. We did it. Third child policy. Also done by today. Or hiking minimum income exempt from tax to €500 a month.
Major principled reforms no one has dared touch for years – pension system and parent's pay reforms – all these decisions have been made by the government.
What is even more important for me (relevant effects will manifest in Estonian politics sooner or later) is that we overcame a single party's hegemony – the Reform Party had become a state party dictating absolutely all walks of life.
You played an important role in the coming to power of the new government and at presidential elections.
I am very glad Kersti Kaljulaid became president. She is a very modern, future-oriented, innovative president. That was one of the processes we launched. Next came the new government.