I understand that today's beneficiaries having to make a greater contribution has been discussed when it comes to potential reorganization of structural means. How many countries would this concern?
Talking about the EU budget, the United Kingdom's departure will inevitably shuffle the cards as they have contributed 15 percent of the EU GDP so far. We will find ourselves considerably poorer. The UK has also been the main contributor to the EU budget.
However, I would not overemphasize these concepts – main contributors and main beneficiaries. The EU budget is a common tool to aid in the achieving of common goals. While we can count the individual euros member states have sent to Brussels and received from there, it will not help us grasp the big picture.
For example, talking about projects cohesion funds have helped finance in Estonia, their realization boosts import from other EU countries. Whether construction materials for infrastructure projects, IT services, whatever. That is how our common market works. Therefore, economically speaking, the circle of beneficiaries goes beyond member states that receive support.
And yet we can say that sums contributed to the common budget by several member states will grow. How likely, in this situation, that the UK will not be the last to leave?