If the aforesaid concerns the NATO SOFA agreement that regulates the presence of British, French, Danish, and Spanish soldiers currently in Estonia, rules are even more slanted toward contributing countries in the case of Germany and the United States.
Right to be reclaimed
Estonia signed a corresponding agreement with Germany in 2007 and with the U.S. in January this year.
Both agreements include a promise by Estonia not to process offenses by allied soldiers even in cases where the SOFA agreement would warrant it. Estonia will automatically surrender jurisdiction and hand over the investigation.
For example, in cases where a U.S. soldier causes a traffic accident in which people get hurt in Estonia, the matter will be heard by a U.S. court-martial.
„Yes, we surrender jurisdiction automatically; however, we have the possibility of taking it back in special cases within 21 days,“ head of the legal department of the defense ministry Kalle Kirss explained.
This right would not be exercised in case of traffic accidents or battery but would apply to severe offenses against persons, like murder and rape.
„We do not have the right to take back jurisdiction concerning offenses committed in the line of duty. There the U.S. has exclusive jurisdiction,“ Kirss said. Whether the offender was performing service tasks when the crime was committed is for their local commander to determine.