Amendment of the weapons act is tied to changes in the international security situation – the migration crisis and terrorist attacks in Europe have made it necessary to analyze and make more efficient Estonia's weapons policy.
“The principal aim of the bill is to introduce better grounds for refusal to issue or revocation of weapons permits based on security considerations,” Kommusaar said.
Owners of firearms for personal protection will have to justify their need. If currently people only have to justify why they need a firearm when applying for their first weapon, the amendment would extent the obligation to each consecutive weapon. In other words, persons who already own a gun for personal protection will have to explain to a police officer why that is not enough and why they need more firearms.
The burden of justification will also apply every time a person's weapons permit is extended. Officials can refuse permits if they find explanations to be unconvincing.
“This requirement helps owners of firearms to analyze their need and consider whether they still require a weapon when applying for an extension,” Kommusaar explained.
"In addition, people who own firearms only for personal protection will have to undergo the weapons examination every five years. “The aim of this obligation is to improve gun owners' ability to handle their weapons,” Kommusaar said.