It is a topic party chairmen do not want to touch. An agreement between the businessmen who made the donation also stipulates that comments will only be given by project lead, one of the owners of Bigbank, Parvel Pruunsild. He admits that the donation had an effect on the recent and considerable hike of benefits for families with many children.
Information available to Postimees suggests that €100,000 donations were made by owners of Bigbank, Parvel Pruunsild and Vahur Voll, magnate and owner of Postimees, Margus Linnamäe, one of the owners of LHV Group, Heldur Meerits, CEO of Nortal, Priit Alamäe, founder of Skype, Jaan Tallinn, major owner of Vestman Grupp, Aivar Berzin, and owner of ACE Logistics Group, Karli Lambot.
Birthrate of concern
Everyone of the donors transferred more than €28,000 to each of the current ruling parties (Center Party, Social Democrat Party, and Pro Patria Res Publica Union) and €16,000 to the oppositional Reform Party.
None have stood out as regular donors in the past. Margus Linnamäe donated €10,000 to the Pro Patria Res Publica Union in 2013, while Berzin donated €7,000 to the social democrats in 2015.
Pruunsild said that the donation was made now and in this volume for politicians to finally take steps towards solving Estonia's population growth problem.