It is probable Sepp had knowledge of the “Nigerian letter” but opted for a more creative approach. He used Skype,, Facebook, and Flirtic to talk to the women. He never revealed his real name – appearing at times as Daniel or Alan. He claimed to be living in Tallinn here and living and working in Norway there.
Conversations usually took a clear path. Talk of love was followed by a determined attempt to receive nudes. Once he had the files, Sepp almost immediately resorted to blackmail. The impudent attempt was accompanied by compassionate rhetoric and claims that he has no other choice but to resort to extortion, down to assurances the money would be used virtually for charity.
True number of victims unknown
Sepp agreed to take delivery of the money in different ways. In dire straits, he even had victims transfer the money to bank accounts of people with close ties to Sepp.
In the end, Sepp managed to blackmail four people for a total of €2,350. There were other victims, but some refused to pay.
Sepp said in Pärnu County Court that he started on his path after suspecting his former partner of being unfaithful. He allegedly created a shadow account on a singles website to find proof of her infidelity. To his dismay, she went along with advances he made under the shadow account, and the couple broke up.