“Rail Baltic will become the straightest route for Finnish goods to countries like Italy,” Marrandi said.
Even though some leading members of the Pro Patria Res Publica Union (IRL) had said earlier that Humal had managed to spark doubts, the party's official position was in favor. “Rail Baltic is a matter of life and death for us,” Andrus Metsoja said, speaking for the faction.
Logistics expert and Rector of the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences Enno Lend described guiding Rail Baltic down the Tartu railway as technically unthinkable in his comments on the deliberation.
“It is impossible, if only, to use two different security and management systems on the same railway route,” he said.
Rail Baltic affects the entire Baltic Sea region as the new railroad will bring goods to Tallinn, Riga, Klaipeda and Gdansk ports. “We need to keep in mind that industry will move from Asia to Europe, which will make transport very different from what we see today in the near future,” Lend added.