Observers couldn't understand why was it impossible for Ratas' camp to meet its counterpart half way and give the position of Riigikogu faction head to the latter's Erki Savisaar. The shuffle in the parliament was caused by the resignation of rural affairs minister Martin Repinski as the previous faction chair Tarmo Tamm took over his portfolio after just 20 days at the head of the centrists in the Riigikogu.
The Savisaarians came to terms with the decision not to give Erki Savisaar a ministerial position, which was their initial goal, but at least wanted to see him chair the party's faction. Instead the party voted 18:8 for new council chairman Kersti Sarapuu. Erki Savisaar and Valeri Korb were elected deputy chairmen.
If the vote that saw Tamm take the chairmanship received seven nays from Edgar Savisaar's supporters, that camp had grown to eight members by now. The latter themselves count nine among their number, making a third of the ruling party's faction members quite unpredictable. They meet regularly to discuss matters, make proposals, if not with great success.
The so-called Savisaarians include Peeter Ernits, Heimar Lenk, Marika Tuus-Laul, Siret Kotka, Martin Repinski, Olga Ivanova, Erki Savisaar, Oudekki Loone, and possibly Tamm's alternate member in the Riigikogu, Võru city council head Toomas Paur.