The new chief of the Office of the President, Tiit Riisalo, says that the republic of the anniversary concert will he held in Tallinn, and the president will make her first domestic visit to Virumaa.
The new chief of the Office of the President, Tiit Riisalo, says that the republic of the anniversary concert will he held in Tallinn, and the president will make her first domestic visit to Virumaa.
No, it does not happen quite that quickly. We have divided our work into two stages: first we will look at the time we have until the end of the year, or roughly 100 days. That is the window in which we need to make our initial marks. During that time we also need to outline our plan for the next five years – the general framework of Kersti Kaljulaid's presidency, its priorities and how to achieve them.
Content advisers have been largely found, and the framework will be born out of cooperation with them.
Not all. We have Kyllike Sillaste-Elling and Merle Maigre on foreign affairs and security. Heido Vitsur is in charge of economic affairs that are among the most important for the president. We have Urmo Kübar on civil society. We are very glad these people agreed to be on board.
We have not set ourselves a deadline; however, we've been meeting with people regularly. I believe we will have the team assembled in October.
That is how it is. To describe the structure of the president's office, it is made up of two parts. One side includes the president's closest advisers who serve as long as the president does. On the other you have the chancellery that ensures functionality in everything from the secretariat, operating 24 hours a day, to housekeeping. The protocol department ensures all domestic and foreign visits are carried out properly. We won't be given a hundred days to settle in so we could start working in January.
I believe I have a good overview by now. On the one hand, the fact that I was involved with the presidential election in summer helped somewhat. I inevitably gave the matter some thought when I helped shape Allar Jõks' thoughts into a political program and later during the campaign. We traveled quite a lot and communicated it all.
The other side is practical. I will have to learn that offhand; however, I came here feeling confident as my predecessor Alo Heinsalu is one of the most diligent and celebrated state officials in Estonia. I do not have to worry about surprises.
You cannot; however, I can be sure there will not be anything of the sort.
You hinted at troubled history. How to put this – time goes on. Looking back at tax discipline among Estonian entrepreneurs in the first half of he 1990s, it probably differed quite a lot from what it is today, even though the people are the same. The era dictates its culture, and in Estonia's case the trend has been positive. Everything is much more transparent and legible.
No, I have had no such meetings. Of course I've met with dozens, if not hundreds of entrepreneurs, with many of them several times. That was part of the work done at IRL. We had a group of people who participated in the party's work, and to share the workload, everyone had their own acquaintances they talked to.
These meetings always followed two topics: what is the situation, and what could be done to be improve it, or in other words political input. Secondly we were asked whether it would be possible to support the party so it could pursue some campaign.
That was my work as part of the whole fundraising process. All parties and people active in politics do it, and there is nothing wrong with it. If you monitor the US presidential election campaign, or if you're on the candidates' mailing lists, every other email you receive asks you for money.
No, I have no such fears. It definitely depends on the president. We will get to know each other over time; however, I hope I will be lucky enough to work here energetically for the next five years.
Good physical form is always an advantage in terms of mental work – I've tried to stay in good enough shape for it not to become an obstacle.
That is ancient history, but there was a time when we won the Erna Trek, that was the toughest military competition in the world at the time, twice with the Estonian reserve officers' team. We also won the Swiss Raid Commando that was considered the world championship for special units or long-range reconnaissance teams. We remain the only non-Swiss team to have won it. It happened in 2009.
They're called work visits. On the one hand they afford the opportunity to meet; however, some specific things will be discussed. The president's first Estonia visit will take her to Virumaa in two days' time.
Yes, it has been launched. For example we reviewed the last president's Christmas and New Year's greetings today (yesterday – J. V.) (Riisalo opens a folder with samples – J. V.). It might seem like a simple thing; however, there are a lot of recipients, and efforts have been made so the greetings would carry an important message at a specific moment in time. It seems we've set our sights, and things are taking shape. The same concerns preparations for the anniversary of the republic.
Yes, the venue was decided during the previous president's term. It is the Estonia Concert Hall. The idea was that it would be easier to change presidents in Tallinn. We will see about where it will be held in coming years.
That will definitely not be a problem, and I will not be alone. We have a good team. I think everyone has their own aspect that interests them: some will look to the concert, some will want to hear the president's speech, while others will look to matters of fashion. That's life.
We have ideas; however, it is too soon to comment on them. Fundamentally we find that rituals, traditions, and customs are important for a country. We will not be making any radical changes, while we are working on some ideas to introduce a measure of freshness.
It is difficult to evaluate these things in oneself; however, people I've worked with have left me the impression they liked working with me. No one has left bitterly or bearing a grudge. I love working with smart people as that is what makes us better.
In the end it is important every day gives you something to take with you and learn. If we have to look for the meaning of life, it's that simple – to live every day so that you're a tiny bit wiser by nightfall. I hope I am a good team player. There have been no signs to the contrary so far.