Do you plan to involve private funding?
Yes. We have banks, the fuel sector; we should definitely talk to entrepreneurs.
They are currently not contributing because they have not been asked?
No, I believe that is not the only thing. Private companies seldom finance something out of charity. Companies have marketing plans; it is important what they get in return. We need to find common ground.
Our companies support symphony orchestras or festivals, but they do it individually. I would like to look into whether it would be possible to organize it through the cultural endowment.
Why would that be good?
We will have a clearer picture of culture financing. I have no illusions of head of the cultural endowment being able to affect Estonia's culture policy; however, I can make proposals.
You wrote in your job application that cultural support is fragmented. You suggested bringing the culture ministry's instruments under the cultural endowment. Why?
The ministry holds various application rounds that are not meant for state budget agencies but rather ordinary people like you and me. It is the same with the Council of the Gambling Tax.
I do not know whether they can be brought under the agency; however, it would gives us a better overview of culture financing.