In terms of foreign policy, President Ilves' contribution included reactions to the collapse of the international security architecture after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 that gave Estonia's foreign policy activity a new role: to make sure someone is watching our backs not only through agreements but also in terms of broader understanding in Europe and the West. Former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt describes it in today's Postimees: «Estonia must never find itself in a situation where leaders of other countries could talk about it as «a far-away and alien country» and look the other way should Estonia find itself in need of help. During his years in office, President Ilves has made Estonia far more important in the eyes of world leaders who otherwise would perhaps not have taken an interest in Estonia or the entire region.»
And thirdly we must note as an institutional contribution President Ilves' role in shaping the president's constitutional function.
President Ilves urged we make Estonia bigger in his inauguration speech ten years ago. Our modest number should not stop us from being big inside and in the eyes of the world. Did we grow bigger in those ten years? Did we improve ourselves? And can we feel it ourselves?
Yes and no. Estonia's development has been rapid in the past ten years, while change is perceivable first and foremost from an onlooker's point of view. Estonia grew in the eyes of those standing outside. The country's credibility in international politics, Estonia's leading role in the fields of e-governance and the cyber domain; the success of Estonian companies and culture abroad has grown, and president Ilves has had a significant hand in that. Thank you, Mr. President, and good luck.