„We are cooperating closely with Keit (Pentus-Rosimannus).“ An equivalent of a behind the scenes sentence recently uttered by Estonia's most popular presidential candidate Marina Kaljurand. The woman who calls herself the most independent candidate transcending parties.
The latter positioning raises some questions looking at Kaljurand's supporters. In a situation where the background of most other presidential candidates is clear, several members of team Kaljurand are better known through scandal.
For example the Rosimannus family; or Remo Holsmer, who gained wider notoriety through ferry businessman Vjatšeslav Leedo's „four lemons“ affair. One of Kaljurand's most ardent supporters is IRL defector Eerik-Niiles Kross, who was one of the authors of operation „Silver Bullet“ that denied Siim Kallas the prime minister's seat in 2014.
There was no place for the Rosimannus family in Kallas' long game, which led to media operation „Silver Bullet“. Team Kross-Rosimannus that managed to force Kallas to withdraw once, now finds itself back where it started.
That is why team Kaljurand is often referred to as Kallas' bane backstage. It was of vital importance to more than one member of team Kaljurand to make sure the, by now, former foreign minister would not drop out of the race half-way. For example, Kaljurand's presidency would help the Rosimannuses take another step away from the pesky Autorollo scandal.