Marina Kaljurand told Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas that she has decided to resign as foreign minister and run for president of the Republic of Estonia.
Marina Kaljurand told Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas that she has decided to resign as foreign minister and run for president of the Republic of Estonia.
The board of the Reform Party decided during a prolonged meeting after the second Riigikogu voting round last Tuesday that it will endorse the presidential bid of Siim Kallas in the Electoral College come September 24. Rõivas said that it was not a popularity vote. «It was actually a discussion about who has the most realistic chance of being elected, and whom we should support so that Estonia would get a good president,» the PM said after the five-hour meeting.
Rõivas met with Kaljurand in Stenbock House the next day. Even though he claimed they did not discuss Kaljurand's potential candidacy, Rõivas said that it is difficult for him to imagine Kaljurand running without support from the party. Rõivas said that taking two candidates to the Electoral College would secure Center Party's Mailis Reps and IRL's Allar Jõks passage to the second and potentially decisive round, as both parties have roughly the same number of representatives than the Reform Party in the college.
Kaljurand said after meeting with Rõivas that she had decided to stay on as foreign minister for the time being. Concerning her potential candidacy, she said she would seriously consider corresponding proposals. She added, however, that she could not continue as foreign minister if she decided to run. She thanked the 47 individuals who issued an address to support her candidacy, as well as everyone else who called her, wrote to her, or expressed their support in social media, and said their support gives her fortitude for the decisions still ahead.
Kaljurand, who notified the prime minister of her newly made decision this morning, writes in a letter to supporters that she decided to run on account of broad-based support from people from different nationalities, genders, and parties, and that a decision to give in would have betrayed the trust of those who believe in her and hope she can steer Estonia's future towards people's hopes and expectations. «I do not betray those who believe in me,» she writes. She adds that she believes it would not be right to continue as foreign minister when running against the Reform Party's candidate in the Electoral College, which is why she has handed the PM her letter of resignation.
«I am by today a truly independent candidate as there is no party behind me. However, I have behind me people from almost all parties and worldviews. I believe that everyone who is tired of endless confrontation can stand with me. Figuratively speaking, my party is made up of my supporters.»
Kaljurand writes that Estonia needs broader social debate, involvement, and cooperation, and that people expect the president to bring different groups in society together. She also writes that the difficult international situation, including problems with refugees, terror, and extremism, requires a president who will not hide from problems. «I have always felt and known I am with Estonia, even during the most difficult times. I will stand for Estonia as immovable as a rock.»
«My decisions is made. What comes next depends on electors. I wish you courage to vote how you deem best. I want you to base your decision on your conscience and desire to elect the best president for Estonia,» Kaljurand writes in closing.
Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas said in a statement that even though multiple candidates sporting similar views will hurt the chances of both, running for president is Kaljurand's decision and constitutional right.
Rõivas said that the Reform Party will back Siim Kallas, while he will definitely also have to find support from other parties.
The PM also said that he does not believe Kaljurand should resign as foreign minister as a result of her decision to run, and that he asked Kaljurand to give the matter some more thought. «The need for a foreign minister whose heart is in the right place will not disappear after September 24,» Rõivas said.