Editorial: horse trading, cowboy style

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Photo: Urmas Nemvalts

Looks like a wild ride electing Estonia's President this time. No telling who gets tossed off the last second of rodeo... 

It’s is nearing the end now. The intense atmosphere makes many cautious for the stupid slip of tongue (think Allar Jõks and a vulgar «live» remark at Opinion Festival which may cost the man dearly) preferably avoided.

And yet, one wants badly to stay in the limelight.

With Postimees data pointing towards Siim Kallas as favourite regarding round one, 68 or more votes needed to win feel out of reach.

At electoral body, enters Marina Kaljurand – or so we think. While giving colourful interviews on her as a person, we are yet to hear clearly of her vision for Estonia.

Both are the Reform candidates... Will the party play a trick or two to avoid the confrontation thus opening the door for a third someone? Like Eiki Nestor the Social Democrat?

What we are seeing is a show, a combination of rodeo and horse trading. Well, some say this is political agreements. As these get clarified, perhaps we will be seeing he figures behind them.

Is it in Estonia’s best interests, or for better personal fodder (position or even cash)?

Waiting for the dust to settle.    
