Day by day, Estonia draws nearer to electing its new President. Sounds like the soup is getting ready to boil.
Day by day, Estonia draws nearer to electing its new President. Sounds like the soup is getting ready to boil.
The President will hardly get elected straight at Riigikogu. The second round featuring local governments is not bad either, democratically speaking.
What would be worse is having to watch a political game unfold, with power parties seeking the position at any cost.
While other parties have settled on their nominees, let us hope Reform will arrive at inner clarity about who they will support.
As it stands, they seem to have decided regarding Siim Kallas as official nominee while Marina Kaljurand and Urmas Paet - current and former foreign ministers - are not going anywhere.
Some have said that for Estonia the President meaneth not much.
Herewith, let us not forget that for Estonia in these turbulent times worldwide, the President as above-parties «watchman and guardian of the republic», constitutionally, is valuable beyond words in his role and meaning.