Starting today, Riigikogu members may be reporting back from their dachas, Reform Party having picked Siim Kallas from their three options to run at Presidential elections round one.
Starting today, Riigikogu members may be reporting back from their dachas, Reform Party having picked Siim Kallas from their three options to run at Presidential elections round one.
Formally, the party has flashed the green light for Mr Kallas to go run at Riigikogu. Essentially, he will have the liberty to do so while needing to secure support in own party and other factions at the parliament.
Explaining: Reform shows support to their honorary chairman after the latter’s solo candidacy while letting him fry on the Riigikogu fires.
With its three names set up – the others being Urmas Paet and Marina Kaljurand – Reform has had their candidates enjoying most of the limelight.
The others i.e. Allar Jõks, Mailis Reps, Mart Helme and Eiki Nestor have thus far been outshined in media.
On the dark side for Reform, supporters of Mr Kallas and Ms Kaljurand are clashing badly and the two have thrown up spins against one another.
At that, teams of both are casting angry glances towards prime minister Taavi Rõivas who has failed to unite the party behind any of its candidates and seems to be playing a blind simpleton.
Even so, ever a pragmatist party, Reform has thus far always voted for its own best political interests. Which just might play into the hands of Ms Kaljurand after all.
So they might let the spotlights shine strong on Mr Kallas while Ms Kaljurand quietly awaits her moment.