The latest of the commission’s annual report on how rules are being applied in member states confirms Estonia as the best example of all, for 2015.
In all this, what best reveals the essence of the situation is number of infringement proceedings against member states. Regarding Estonia, 16 such were triggered last year.
For comparison’s sake, Slovenia earned 32 and Cyprus 47. While for most, the number is below 30, none is better than or equal to Estonia.
With all infringement proceedings underway included, as at end of 2015 we ranked fourth in EU with 26 proceedings.
Topping the chart was Croatia with 21 proceedings while Germany and Italy placed last at 88 and 89 respectively.
According to Government Office advisor Karin Mikk, the low level of proceedings reveals effectiveness of our state both with adoption of directives as well as explaining controversial issues to the European Commission.
«Commenting shortcomings of other nations is difficult as every incident would require an analysis of causes to assess why timelines have been violated or controversy courted with essential issues. The reasons may be many, such as peculiarities of parliamentary cycles,» said Ms Mikk.
The trustworthiness issue
But what would be the benefit of the exemplary results shown? According to Kristo Põllu of Governmental Office, the top spot has not been an aim as such.