The Estonian Foreign Ministry obtained confirmation from the French authorities late on Monday night that there are two Estonian nationals among the people killed in the terrorist attack in Nice, spokespeople said.
The Estonian Foreign Ministry obtained confirmation from the French authorities late on Monday night that there are two Estonian nationals among the people killed in the terrorist attack in Nice, spokespeople said.
«I offer my heartfelt sympathies to the families and friends of the Estonian citizens who lost their lives in the terrorist attack. This is the first time that we are experiencing terrorism so bitterly and closely. There are no words to describe the sorrow and pain that this cruel tragedy has caused to so many people,» Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand said.
The Foreign Ministry is in contact with the victims' next of kin and a diplomat from the Estonian embassy in Paris sent to Nice is providing allround advice and help to them.
According to the media the victims are a woman by the first name Tatjana, who was on a holiday in Nice with her husband, daughter and grandchildren, and Rickard Kruusberg, a 21-year-old from Tallinn who attended an innovation academy program in Nice.