«To agree with proposal by foreign minister to close down Shanghai and Brasilia representations in 2016, Astana representation in 2017, and Lisbon and Prague representations in 2018,» reads clause one of the document.
Still, foreign minister Ms Kaljurand categorically claims that she did not propose to the government on Thursday to close down embassies in Prague and Lisbon. Her words are confirmed by sources of Postimees, according to whom Ms Kaljurand indeed said at the cabinet she was not in favour of closure of the Lisbon and Prague embassies.
How then did the minister explain the document sent to the government 24 hours earlier, in the which she proposed quite the opposite?
«This is some confusion with the papers. Unable to answer you,» said Ms Kaljurand. «In principle, this was the original proposal which was on the table before Brexit. But I did not present such a proposal to the government.»
Ms Kaljurand admitted that the government had been working for a while with plans to close embassies in Prague and Lisbon. And, had Brexit never happened, the plan would have been enacted and reached the government.
«After Brexit, in the current security situation, I do not deem it possible to close down embassies in Prague and Lisbon,» said Ms Kaljurand. «But I do not exclude returning to the issue [closure of Prague and Lisbon] after the presidency.»