A Postimees/TNS Emor poll among 1,375 respondents aged 15–74, Ms Kaljurand emerges as an impressive favourite. With overall support at 25 percent, Centre chairman Edgar Savisaar is lagging long behind at 14 percent.
Mr Savisaar having failed to be elected as Centre’s official candidate, we need to keep an eye on the others.
Promoted by IRL, former chancellor of justice Allar Jõks trails Ms Kaljurand with 11 percent of favour. At exactly the same level, we find Reform honorary chairman Siim Kallas.
As noted by Aivar Voog of Emor, the only fun in the poll taken in June 7th to 14th is the entry of Mr Jõks.
While still the most popular, Ms Kaljurand has actually lost five percent since April. Mr Voog thinks that these were snatched by Mr Jõks.
«The other percentages have remained rather much the same and while direct links cannot be drawn between Kaljurand-Jõks, indirect [ones] surely can,» pondered Mr Voog.
In Riigikogu corridors and lobbies, the opinion is that Mr Jõks was a few months late to the start, with his campaign.
For Mr Voog, this seems logical: «Yes, Mr Jõks was definitely too late,» thinks Mr Voog. «But, at the same time, as one looks at the profiles of Jõks and Kallas, there are the same strata of society supporting them: the wealthier and the better educated,» said Mr Voog. «And a glance at Marina Kaljurand says she is supported evenly no matter if the respondents are Estonian or Russian, young or old.»
At the moment, political parties are summer-vacationing from Presidential elections and not much is about to be decided before the beginning of August. «All is yet so undetermined,» say those in coalition, as one.