Like it is with the hospital network. With the mighty healthcare centres appearing in Tallinn and Tartu, competency is gradually lost at regional hospitals.
In the development plans strengthened by all sorts of Excel tables and various analyses, the individual gets lost.
As assured by countryside social workers, older folks are fearful of diving into the big city traffic in search of a hospital. Might not get to the right place by the right time.
Money for taxi might fall short.
Intimidating also are the huge medical institutions. In the worst case scenario, the pensioner opts to not go at all.
The mostly younger city officials might fail to grasp that there are those unfamiliar with smartphones and GPS. To make matters worse, near term there will be lots of old people with kids all over the wide world and thus unable to swiftly help.
With the ball thrown to the local government court, (financial) state support is still needed. The solutions are many.
Like local family doctors equipping patients with guidelines and directions. Or arranging coordinated travels and schedules.
Local governments may help with special transport and signs in town pointing out the path to hospitals.
In Scandinavia, hotels for patients have appeared next to hospitals, at affordable price. To take off the transport pressures time-wise. A patient may go to town the night before, and be spared the worry of missing the last bus.