A Defence League officer refusing a bribe, though small, sends a strong message.
A Defence League officer refusing a bribe, though small, sends a strong message.
By accepting any bribe, one becomes easily manipulated. A sin once committed – potentially destructive to career – will have to be concealed.
Important for people engaged in defence to remain transparent and pure, lest they pose a hazard to fellow fighters and those you are supposed to defend.
Same with high level corruption. A politician, high governmental official or chief executive, once corrupt turns into a threat to society.
While no society is corruption free, Estonia has thus far ranked high in international transparency lists.
Regrettably, though as seen in Transparency International’s corruption perception index this January, we have made no progress.
Any case of corruption discovered, however, is a step towards improvement.
Important herewith to recall verbal attacks against investigators by parties like Centre and Reform when confronted with corruption charges.
While stuff is acceptable within «own ranks», there’s no basis for being overly optimistic.