In Võru County district, Defence League staff member recorded offering of bribe and had recourse to security police. With merely €100 in question, why was the case investigated?
In Võru County district, Defence League staff member recorded offering of bribe and had recourse to security police. With merely €100 in question, why was the case investigated?
The answer is actually simple. At Defence League and in a border zone district, staff has access to classified information regarding deployment of units and armaments. Once one receives a bribe, he will be easily blackmailed.
So for the pleasant surprise of security policemen, officer Kaimar Ploom came straight to them with the recording.
The story was basic. A small MH Koduehitus, having installed a pipe, wanted to give money via supervisor Marek Laar (33) – as «gift» – allegedly in order to secure future jobs.
Questioned by security police, Mr Laar promptly pleaded guilty while suggesting the act was «out of gratitude.»
Mr Laar, member of Reform Party, told investigators he has never ever offered bribes to anyone before.
In April, Tartu County Court sentenced Mr Laar with two years imprisonment conditionally, as well as payment for procedural costs amounting to €693.
Mr Ploom and Mr Laar have studied together while pupils, but last met over ten years ago.