Peculiar condition – the seeker of help must become hostage of court
At the initiative by former equality commissioner Mari-Liis Sepper, the bureau eventually even in written form established the procedure in violation with good legal practice where legal assistances was only promised to such who would refuse to compromise with opposite party in the dispute to come.
Essentially, this is extortion – we will help you if you help us to gain an important victory in court. The primary aim of the seeker of help – get help from equality commissioner’s bureau – herewith became secondary.
This is exactly the condition set at bureau for providing legal assistance, as insisted by Ms Sepper. In legalese, this was «strategic litigation», if the bureau finds for court disputes a partnering law office who will represent a «victim» in court at the bureau’s expense. For the «victim», the only binding condition was that she may not step out mid-dispute.
The goal may have been tempting – a court precedent, but the condition puts rights and needs of victim on back seat. Though the lawyers of the office dealing with «strategic litigation» found this an altogether acceptable condition, experts of Estonian civilian law beg to radically differ.
«This is in contradiction with good practice in administration of justice, as no individual may not be forced to go to court against her own will,» said sworn lawyer Carri Ginter.