For any nation, a state of their own is the total peak only achieved by a few. But only a state of our own will allow the national interests to be maximally realised. The Estonian space of values, as mentioned in his address yesterday by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Its aim is to defend and to develop the Estonian state, people, language and culture. These latter are the red lines for our statehood i.e. the red lines said the President. With these, all will have to reckon who in times to come desire to tie their lives with Estonia.
Despite the statehood, we still feel our freedom is endangered by what is happening in the world. In our mind’s eye, Estonia often is like a little boat on a stormy sea. Probably, the sense of danger is due to the earlier historic experience which was the very loss of independence in 1940 i.e. the fact that at one moment the freedom may no longer be.
The worries about lasting freedom were also mentioned by the President Ilves. He said this is what differentiates us from other nations. But as he said, it is also out historic experience to come out of the most difficult situations, finding the ways out using smartness. Therefore, we ought not to yield to the fears of the unknown. Fear is the mankind’s oldest and strongest emotion, and the strongest kind of it is the very fear of the unknown. But fears paralyse our minds and actions, hinder us from taking decisions which lead us onwards. Therefore, we need to stay bold and make courageous choices.