As underlined by Ms Rives: if they provide the service, they want fair pay. «We were sent the contract where the financing is cut but they still want the same volume of service,» she said.
Ms Rives says the ministry has been talking about «continuing the service» for the money awarded. The ministry would underline that the state has assumed no legal obligation of providing such service but has supported it out of good will according to equal rights specialist Katri Eespere while stressing the importance of covering entire territory despite the population density.
WSU chairwoman Eha Reitelmann thinks the whole argument is because of the lack of money for all and says she wishes the court could be avoided – the money would be late in reaching the destinations.
According to Tartu Shelter head Ms going to court should be the customary practice with cases like this.
«I see northing awful in it, rather it will clear things up. Among other things, non-governmental organisations serve as watchdogs for democracy,» said Ms Rives.
Social ministry basically says so be it. In the future, they envision a legal basis created next year whereby the state will be obliged to provide the service within Victim Service Act. Thereby, accommodation and counselling for victims of domestic violence will become a state service to be purchase for multiple years on basis of public procurement.
State budget support, in euros
County / centre 2014 2015 2016
Ida-Virumaa NTK 41,896 45,000 40,000
Jõgevamaa NTK 33,000 34,000
Järvamaa NTK 35,060 35,000 51,000 -In 2016 with Raplamaa
Läänemaa NTK 34,000 45,990 -In 2016 with Hiiumaa
Pärnumaa NTK 37,753 37,000 50,000 -In 2016 with Saaremaa
Raplamaa NTK 35,128 34,000
Harjumaa, Tallinna Naiste Kriisikodu
Harjumaa, second Tallinn centre*
Tartumaa, Tähtvere Women’s Centre
Tartumaa, Tartu Naiste Varjupaik 31,214 34,000 46,000
Valgamaa NTK 35,210 36,000 34,000
Viljandimaa NTK 35,570 37,000 35,000
Virumaa NTK 40,182 36,000 35,000
Võrumaa NTK 41,838 45,000 45,010 -In 2016 with Põlvamaa
Total 430,166 500,000 500,000
* In Lasnamäe to be opened on February 1st