If the numbers were a private business of the scientists, we might call it quits. In reality, the amount of publications in databases like ETIS is the hardest currency for scientists. Pursuant to statutes of universities, the amount of publications often dictates who gets promoted or gets a grant. What’s more, every now and then, the amount of publications needs to be shown at internal and external assessments.
«These are not merely risks, but these have realised. There are big problems with quality,» claims Mr Pärnapuu who by now has recorded dozens of scientific articles in faulty language or copied.
Delving deeper, a pattern emerges in the trash magazines. In TTÜ, this is for a narrow circle in construction and economy faculty members whose names Postimees will herewith not publish. Like with TTK, it is rather widespread at TTÜ economy faculty to publish the same scientific work in a string of trashy magazines to get more entries. Mr Pärnapuu holds back judgement, not knowing if the sinners have sinned out of stupidity or selfish gain.
Ironically, the case most outstanding comes from Mr Pärnamäe’s own school. If ETIS be believed, economists Lembo and Toivo Tanning are record breaking guys indeed with a scope encompassing the USA to Bangladesh to Nigeria. «This is an over-the-top factory. 66 problematic cases between the two of them. This is a tenfold professorial job,» gasped Mr Pärnapuu.