This was indeed surprising as all in any way involved with Mr Junusov (62) over the years imagined this would be a lengthy procedure where the man denies and challenges everything. Not so.
«Yes, considering former behaviour by Mr Junusov, I was not quite prepared for such a solution,» also admitted Northern district prosecutor Natalia Miilvee.
Mr Junusov was brought to Estonia some weeks ago from Daugavgrīva prison, Latvia, where he is doing time for depriving policemen of liberty at gunpoint. The three years physically in jail for armed robbery sentenced him by Harju County Court is not overly strict, but a matter of principle.
The last time Mr Junusov was brought before court as related to a paid murder, it was damaging to Estonian state. Due to procedural errors Mr Junusov was judged not guilty and the taxpayer needed to pay him about half a million Estonian kroons for the time spent in jail.
The rapid procedure this time was also important to spare the victim, a woman, the meeting with the man in courtroom. For that reason, the woman was quick to waive financial compensation for damages from Mr Junusov.
The woman knew Mr Junusov from earlier times through her husband. During the USSR, her husband was in prison together with Mr Junusov and together they did illegal business. At one point they quarrelled as Mr Junusov assumed the partner cheated him.