«Mr Ilves entered the hall to warmly greet not Mr Pabriks, who stepped behind the back of his adviser as if he (Mr Pabriks – edit) were her escort, but the very adviser who was the dame in question,» a source said. Those present were under the impression this wasn’t the first time the two met. The source said Mr Ilves and Ms Kupce have met at other work-related events and that the delicate and deep something between them remained not hidden.
«She is very very keen in all things security,» says an Estonian politician present at said meetings, awed at the professionalism in Ms Kupce.
Latvian media says Mr Ilves and Ms Kupce know each other ever since working in the European Parliament.
Toomas Hendrik Ilves (61) and Evelin Ilves (47) divorced their marriage of 11 years this April. The motive was assumed to a public kissing between Evelin Ilves and a dancing partner in a Tallinn cafe as a sign the relations of the presidential couple were far from close emotionally.
-Cyber security coordination section head at Latvian defence ministry.
-Launched diplomatic career at Latvian foreign ministry in 1997.
-Involved in preparations of 2006 NATO summit in Riga, formerly employed by Latvian representation at NATO and as EU special representative in Baku.
-Involved with Latvian cyber defence since 2012.
-Honoured by multiple decorations by Latvian state.
-Never married, mother of a son by Latvian Ambassador to Greece Ivars Pundurs.