Refugee crisis and terrorist attacks have the EU faced with serious challenges. The external border is porous, information exchange between nations faulty. Populist powers are happily imagining a picture of crude separating lines supposedly bringing us happiness and guaranteeing security. For us who spent half of past century in a closed system this should set the alarm bells ringing loudest. A small nation locked up in a citadel, we’d be in a situation especially complex as to security policy.
As announced by the influential Financial Times, today in Brussels interior ministers will be discussing the suspension of Schengen for two years. By Luxembourg as holding EU rotating presidency, said the newspaper, proposals have been prepared allowing the closure of borders and temporarily cutting off problematic states (this is Greece, mainly). But thus far Europe is still Europe. As shown in the subdued verbiage by Mr Pevkur, there will be no scrambling nor dramatic decisions.
It’s not so much the issue of blanket document check here and there within Schengen, but of the message issued by the EU as any decision is taken. A parallel might be drawn with the Greek debt crisis. The whole time it was obvious that the EU was totally unwilling to dismantle the euro area. At the same time, this summer it all of a sudden seemed quite real that Greece would be expelled from the eurozone – and without any significant disruption. And that was the very thing that provided the needed feeling of security, such as is currently needed by Schengen.