As is usual with incidents like this, the two sides present differing facts. Russia claims the plane did not violate the air boundary, but the Turks claim the opposite as well as that the Russian pilots were warned before firing. Last week, Turkey called Russian ambassador on the carpet due to the airstrikes in Syria edging too near to Turkish border villages. Repeatedly, Russian planes have received warning from Turks for violations of air boundary.
Instead of following the usual tactical wrangling, let’s focus on the big strategic picture. Russia’s position in the Syrian conflict i.e. on the bench it has been eager to sit is up to how the Kremlin will behave from now on.
In Syria, Russia is allegedly targeting ISIS, but in reality they are hitting opponents to the regime of Bashar al-Assad. The fate of Al-Assad has been the basic contention with West. Following the Paris terrorist attacks, Russia was already at the table, literally. On Friday, UN Security Council supported the anti-ISIS resolution compiled by France.
The West is still applying sanctions towards Russia due to the annexation of Crimea and the war in Eastern-Ukraine, the alleviation of which is being anticipated – and not for economic reasons alone. At the same time, cooperation in Syria would more-or-less mark continued status quo in Ukraine. If not legitimisation, then at reconciliation to the situation.