Beholding the numbers, there should be no problem: every year, ERR is getting ever more money. In 2016 state budget €29.86m has been earmarked for the broadcasting i.e. 6.6 percent increase year-on-year.
ERR board member Ainar Ruussaar says the trouble is that the budget growths have been primarily for intended use such as the Russian language based ETV+ next year. Meanwhile, electricity costs, copyright payments and transmission fees are growing yearly. «It cannot be covered on account of something else endlessly, and now we hit the limit,» explained Mr Ruussaar who fails to see guilt in board for the lack of money.
Add to that the costs of the two title tournaments of Football European Championship and Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics. The contacts have been signed, part of the money paid, but the overall cost to ERR will be €1.23m.
Now, ERR finds itself in a fix: they are asking the state for money citing live broadcasts, but in reality the money has already been taken on account of other programmes. If they fail to get the extra €650,000, it’s bad. The dropping of some series will be piece of cake, to what all may happen.
ERR sports desk chief Rivo Saarna said there were two scenarios. Whether or not they get the money, what will not be shown are «Suurmeistrid» (Grandmasters), rally racing European and Wold Cup summaries, and Tour de France. Also, cuts are sure regarding the covering of friendlies by Estonian footballers, volleyballers and basketballers.