Japan-Estonia friendship association president Tadahiko Yoshino-san discovered Estonia on a postage stamp.
Japan-Estonia friendship association president Tadahiko Yoshino-san discovered Estonia on a postage stamp.
My interest towards Estonia came into being, many years ago, from a postal stamp given me by my father: it was an Estonian stamp. From a country that by that time, regrettably, no longer existed. While in London, years later, I happened to pass by Estonian embassy and thought: how does a nation that does not exist have an embassy? I entered to find out.
From 1994, I have visited Estonia for a total of sixteen times. There are many things in Estonia that I like, but what I like the most are the nice and open people. I very much like the Tallinn Old Town, what an atmosphere! At the Song Celebration last year, I recognised many a German tune, but the way you sing these songs is something else! Next year, our friendship society plans to bring into Estonia the leading Japanese chamber orchestra Kanazawa which for two years performed in the freshly renovated Estonia concert hall as conducted by Mihkel Kütson.